
Eurovisión: Alemania canta por los que no están

Fuente: Venitatis

El cantautor Michael Sulte será el encargado de representar a Alemania en la gran final de Eurovisión 2018. Su canción You Let Me Walk Alone fue escogida en el programa nacional Unser Lied für Lissabon, organizado por la televisión pública germana, NDR

Michael Sulte empezó en el mundo de la música a través de la plataforma YouTube, en la cual subía sus versiones musicales. Gracias a eso fue descubierto por directivos de la discográfica Weinstein Media en 2008. Su primer sencillo, Carry me home, llegó a ser una de las diez canciones más vendidas de Alemania.

You Let Me Walk Alone es un homenaje al padre de Michael, quien murió cuando él tenía 15 años. Alemania con esta canción pretende cambiar el rumbo de su participación, ya que llevan siete años sin ser parte del top 10 y tres años entre los tres últimos puestos.


I’m a dreamer
A make-believer
I was told that you were too
I love the silence
And a clear horizon
And I got it all from you

Every now and then I’m drawn to places
Where I hear your voice or see your face and
Every little thought
Will lead me right back to you

I was born
From one love of two hearts
We were three kids and a loving mum
You made this place a home
A shelter from the storm
You said I had
One life and a true heart
I tried my best and I came so far
But you will never know
Cause you let me walk this road alone

My childhood hero
Will always be you
And no one else comes close
I thought you’d lead me
When life‘s misleading
That’s when I miss you most

Every now and then I’m drawn to places
Where I hear your voice or see your face and
Every little thought
Will lead me right back to you

I was born
From one love of two hearts
We were three kids and a loving mum
You made this place a home
A shelter from the storm
You said I had
One life and a true heart
I tried my best and I came so far
But you will never know
Cause you let me walk this road alone

I was born
From one love of two hearts
We were three kids and a loving mum
You made this place a home
A shelter from the storm
You said I had
One life and a true heart
I tried my best and I came so far
But you will never know
Cause you let me walk this road alone

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